Friday, September 10, 2010

Global Competitiveness Ranking

India has slipped in from rank 49 to 51in the Global Competitiveness Report  whereas China has moved up by two position to Rank 27....It ranks 71 in diversion of public funds, 83 in irregular payments and bribes, 72 in favoritism in decisions of government officials, 57 in wastefulness of government spending ...and we would all pinpoint our fingers at the politicians for all these evils of bribery, wasteful expenses, favoritism and nepotism , but the fact is we are all to be blamed. As citizens how are we contributing to progress of this country ?To safeguard the values of truth, honesty, morality, ethics, principles and goodness? 

There is anarchy, indiscipline, unrest everywhere, crime and criminals are thriving, humanity seems to be a forgotten virtue....Honest,  truthful, upright citizen of this country is subjected to all kinds of humiliation. My grandmother who is 94 years old and participated in freedom struggle wonders if we would have been better off if Britishers continued to rule us! Talking of Britishers, how can we forget CWG Delhi another reminder of British Raj ! A reminder of the fact that there is no premium on pride and prestige of the country.

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